10 Things we love about the Teams mobile app
Oct 3, 2019 · And it’s not just us who love the Teams mobile app. Not to brag… but Teams is a top-rated productivity app on both the App Store (4.8) and Play store (4.6). There are many reasons to love Teams mobile, but here are a few of our favorites. 1. Quiet hours & quiet days
Team calls not ringing on Mobile app anymore
May 13, 2020 · After going to ms Teams settings on the iPhone, I discovered a setting to "delete" local ms teams data from the iPhone and re-sync from the server - after restarting the app. That is what I did. The chat history is now empty on the iPhone (only / not on other devices) and phone ringing works just fine.
Teams Mobile App only showing Calls | Microsoft Community Hub
Oct 3, 2023 · Also have noticed when opening a link from Outlook mobile e-mail to a message on Teams, when Teams arrives at the Chat a message below states "Administrator has disabled chat for one or more users". However, these same users with Teams mobile app on Android can use desktop and web Teams just fine.
Spatial Annotations are coming to the Teams mobile app, bringing …
Apr 17, 2024 · Bringing S patial A nnotations to the Teams mobile app means fewer apps for IT teams to provision, update, and audit. C ompanies can b enefit from Team’s ability to suppor t e nd-to-end encryption, data loss prevention, and compliance certifications, adding a dditional security measures that protect against unauthorized access to confidential ...
Unable to Log Into Teams on iPhone. Error: Sign-in Error
Apr 7, 2021 · The resolution was to receive a message in Teams and not view it. Eventually, the user will receive an email stating that a teammate is trying to reach you in Microsoft Teams. Within that email, there is a link to 'Reply in Teams'. If the user opens that link on their mobile device, it correctly initiates data management policy and manages Teams.
How to disable incoming calls on mobile app?
Apr 16, 2021 · I have the Teams mobile app to be able to send chats to colleagues while not at my desk. I do not require any incoming calls to the business coming through to my mobile. I have been to the notification section and toggled off the calls under general activity however I am still getting incoming calls.
Teams to show offline despite having mobile app
So I'm sure most of us aware, if you have Teams mobile app installed and signed in, you never show as offline, unless you appear offline. If you go offline on your desktop app, you simply show as \"Away\" due to having the app on your mobile device.
Make the Teams Channel Calendar available in the Teams mobile …
Apr 12, 2023 · Teams Channel Calendar unavailable on mobile clieant (sic) Channel Calendars for Android and iOS. Enable Channel Calendars on the Mobile App. Shared Channel Calendar for Android and iOS. MS Team Channel Calendar cannot be accessed in Android / iOS mobile devices. Channel Calendar on Teams Mobile App. please make calendar channel available in ...
Teams Mobile App - Audio connection lost after change between …
Jun 5, 2023 · When we have an established Teams to Teams call and the mobile app is changing the network Teams will connect the audio connection after some seconds. Scenario: MS Teams Direct routing Call: -- bad case. When their is an established MS Teams Direct Routing call and the mobile app is changing the network the audio connection will not be connected.
Join a Call or Meeting with Microsoft Teams Mobile App
May 31, 2018 · Below are a few features in the Teams mobile app that help you call and meet with others. Meetings & Calling Experiences Join calls and meetings – initiate, receive, or join 1:1 calls and scheduled meetings via audio (VoIP), video or phone* with team members or others outside your organization.