BLU - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
BLU (Builders League United) is a subsidiary of TF Industries, which allegedly specializes in "construction operations". BLU has considerable land in the New Mexican Badlands and appears to dabble in numerous industries, the most notable of which is the mining of gravel.
RED - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
RED and BLU share an intense rivalry, with nearly all encounters between the two quickly escalating into brutal and often fatal violence. Inter-company friendship is also strictly forbidden by contract.
BLU Triumphs! (Soundtrack) - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
"BLU Triumphs!" is one of the song titles featured on the official Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack, listed as track number 29. Added in the Meet Your Match Update startup themes. The song will play at the end of a Competitive Mode match if BLU team wins.
WAR! Comic - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
Dec 9, 2009 · A TV screen on the right hand side of the page shows a dead BLU Scout against the blast door at the top of the Spiral entrance to the Intelligence room at 2Fort. This is reference to the Meet the Spy video short, in which a RED Spy infiltrates the BLU base disguised as …
BLU - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
W rzeczywistości, za miriadą mniejszych firm, BLU kontroluje połowę światowych rządów, będąc prowadzonym przez złą kobietę znaną jako "Administratorka". Pod przekonywującym zewnętrznym wyglądem ich baz operacyjnych można znaleźć komputery, satelity, pociski oraz instalacje rakietowe.
BLU - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
BLU (Builders League United, Liga de Constructores Unidos en español) es una empresa especializada en la construcción. En realidad, detrás de un gran número de subfrentes, BLU controla en secreto la mitad de los gobiernos del mundo, encabezados por Blutarch Mann .
BLU - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
BLU's architektonischer Stil. Die Builders League United ist eine Firma, die angeblich Bauarbeiten leitet. In Wahrheit, hinter ihren dutzenden Masken, kontrolliert sie eine Hälfte der Weltregierung, geführt durch ihren Gründer und CEO Blutarch Mann.
BLU - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
BLU tem um estilo arquitetônico mais industrial que o RED, e enquanto o padrão de vestimenta é parcialmente liberal, é necessário usar um esquema de cores azuis para fácil identificação.
BLU - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
I BLU preferiscono uno stile architettonico più industriale rispetto a RED. Benché sia alquanto liberale in termini di abbigliamento individuale, BLU richiede che i propri impiegati indossino abiti di colore blu al fine di rendere più rapido il loro riconoscimento.
Engineer - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
The first BLU team Engineer resembled Nikola Tesla, armed with a bag of blueprints instead of a PDA. Just like the rest of the classes, the Engineer makes an appearance in Saints Row: The Third in the form of a wearable head mask.