Platysma - vet-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The platysma is a well-developed muscular sheet in carnivores and pigs, which radiates into the facial cutaneous muscle. Origin: mid-dorsal tendinous raphe of the neck and the skin. Insertion: commissural portion of the lips. Action: draw the commissure of the lips caudally.
Platysma Muscle - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Thin, superficial muscles, collectively called the panniculus muscle, lie within the subcutis or hypodermis (the most superficial aspect of the subcutaneous layer) in certain body regions in both dogs and cats. Examples are the platysma muscle in …
Carnivore Anatomy Lab 22 Introduction - University of Minnesota …
- cutaneous muscles, e.g., platysma muscle - muscles in walls of lips, cheeks, and eyelids - superficial muscles that move ear and nose & upper lip • Examine eyelid features and the conjunctival sac. • Examine oral cavity, tongue, and salivary glands. • Identify regions of the pharynx: - oropharynx (contains palatine tonsil)
Current Advances in Assessment of Dog’s Emotions, Facial Expressions ...
The anatomy of the dog’s face has a series of muscles that produce specific movements recognized in this species. For example, the platysma muscle is composed of longitudinally arranged fibers that allow the caudal retraction of the labial commissure, described as lip tightener (AU24) by the Dog Facial Coding System (DogFACS) . This division ...
Platysma muscle: Attachments, innervation, function | Kenhub
Dec 3, 2023 · The platysma is a thin sheet-like muscle that lies superficially within the anterior aspect of the neck. It arises in the upper thoracic and shoulder regions from a fascia that covers the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles.
NECK - Veterian Key
Jul 8, 2016 · The two components of the platysma muscle can be seen as a number of separate strands originating from the mid-dorsal line of the neck, and as a more substantial component arising from the internal surface of the skin itself.
Platysma Muscle - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
These include the platysma muscle, which is a flat muscle originating from the neck and inserting into the chin at the commissures of the mouth and into the anterior one-third of the oblique line of the mandible. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic.
HEAD - Veterian Key
Jul 8, 2016 · However, many of its terminal ramifications have been unavoidably removed along with the skin and platysma muscle so that at best only the proximal stumps of such nerves are preserved intact.
Miller and Evans' Anatomy of the Dog Ch 6 Flashcards - Quizlet
Action and innervation of the platysma muscle Action: To draw the commissure of the lips caudally. Innervation: Buccal branches and the caudal auricular nerve from the facial nerve (rami buccales et n. auricularis caudalis, n. facialis).
MUSCLES OF THE DOG Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like mid-dorsal tendinous raphe of the neck and skin, sphincter colli superficialis/sphincter colli profundus/platysma, extends over the parotid and masseter regions to the cheek and commissure of the lips and more.
Dog Anatomy: Extrinsic Thoracic/Forelimb Muscles Flashcards
Cutaneous muscle of neck. Click the card to flip 👆. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Created by. vakranz. Evans E5 p18-26. Terms in this set (19) Platysma. Cutaneous muscle of neck. Cutaneous truncii. Controls thoracic skin. Superficial pectoral - Descending. ... Dog Anatomy: Distal Thoracic/Forelimb Muscles. 20 terms. Images. vakranz. GA ...
The Muscular System - Veterian Key
Jul 18, 2016 · Muscles provide forces for many functions, including locomotion or posture, respiration, alimentation, and circulation. Both voluntary and involuntary muscles respond to the emotional state of the dog by subtle changes in facial expression or raising the hair, or more overt responses such as wagging the tail and barking.
DogFACS - Just Labs Magazine
Apr 12, 2023 · What if I told you he’s simply using his zygomaticus muscle to pull the corners of his lips toward his ears and maybe moving the connected platysma muscle just a little bit? A toothy grin? He’s just channeling his masseter, temporalis, pterygoid, and digastricus muscles.
Photomicrograph of the dog's platysma muscle. In A, the
Download scientific diagram | Photomicrograph of the dog's platysma muscle. In A, the fibers are seen in a longitudinal section of striated skeletal muscle stained with Masson's Trichrome.
the platysma muscle in dogs is more superficial. Another similarity between human and canine platysma muscles is their elongated structure compared to other facial expression muscles. In dogs, the platysma fibers are arranged longitudinally, covering a portion of the face and neck. The act on the caudal retraction of the labial commissure and
Biologic Basis of De-Epithelialized Transverse Platysma Flap for …
It should be mentioned that phylogenetically, platysma muscle in human is equivalent to the panniculus carnosus muscle in dogs. For simplicity, the platysma muscle term was used interchangeably in this article.
Cervical Spine - Veterian Key
Jul 18, 2016 · The platysma and fascia cervicalis are incised, exposing the cleidocervicalis, omotransversarius, and trapezius muscles (Figure 31-7, A). The superficial cervical artery and vein, which emerge between the cleidocervicalis and trapezius muscles, should be ligated.
MRI cross sectional atlas of normal canine cervical …
Dec 1, 2016 · The M.platysma was not mapped because this muscle was very difficult to identify on MR images due to its flat appearance and origin and insertion points mainly emerging out of aponeuroses. We were not able to identify two of the short neck muscles M.interspinal cervicis and the M.rectus capitis dorsalis minor with confidence.
Current Advances in Assessment of Dog’s Emotions, …
Nov 22, 2021 · The anatomy of the dog’s face has a series of muscles that produce specific movements recognized in this species. For example, the platysma muscle is composed of longitudinally arranged fibers that allow the caudal retraction of the labial commissure, described as lip tightener (AU24) by the Dog Facial Coding System (DogFACS) . This division ...
Generalized Inflammatory Muscle Diseases in Dogs - PetMD
Feb 25, 2010 · Polymositis and dermatomyositis are both generalized disorders which involve the inflammation of the dog's muscles. More specifically, polymyositis involves skeletal muscle damage due to inflammation, but with no pus formation, whereas dermatomyositis is a form of polymyositis in which characteristic skin lesions are also seen.
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