Tips on the Market Gardener? : r/tf2 - Reddit
Jun 3, 2013 · Like most things, Market Gardening comes down to a lot of practice. When jumping at someone, make sure you try to come at them as quickly as possible so they have little time to run away. The market gardener, like all melee weapons, can also be prone to not register. Don't give up or be discouraged though!
Steam Community :: Guide :: Market Gardener: The Right Way
Nov 15, 2013 · The thought that the Market Gardener is only good with the "Trolldier Set" (RJ, Mantreads, MG) is a common misconception. The Market Gardener can work with many sets, like the Gunboats and stock rocket launcher for example; The Market Gardener deals crits while rocket-jumping, NOT by jumping off a ledge and hitting someone before you land; The ...
TF2: How to Rocket Jump/Market Garden - Steam Community
Jun 24, 2013 · Well, to explain the question in the best way that I can, the Market Gardener is an offhand weapon for the Soldier class that is shaped like an entrenching shovel. This weapon differs from the Soldier's default Shovel, for this weapon grants the user an automatic critical hit while rocket jumping at 195 total damage, but it will not deal out ...
Guide to Market Gardening® - Steam Community
Oct 17, 2017 · Market gardening also relies on prediction. It can't always work properly, that's why you need to gain the sense of prediction, for example swinging the market gardener and hitting an opponent earlier. If you were to swing the market gardener too late, you would deal the general 65 damage or completely miss and do no damage at all. But on the ...
The Market Gardener and how to use it? : r/tf2 - Reddit
Jan 6, 2012 · The Market Gardener is ridiculously difficult to consistently crit ground-borne targets. Even when I practice on tr_walkway, which has basically no lag, I can only hit like 20% of the time. In a real game with 50+ ping, I don't even see how it's possible.
Listings for Strange Market Gardener - Steam Community
Jul 3, 2013 · Strange Market Gardener. Buy Now 2,99€ 2,86€ 2,60€ Strange Market Gardener. Buy Now ...
Steam Community :: Guide :: Market Gardening: Tips!
Mar 30, 2013 · Market Gardening Market Gardening is a way to express to the world your skill, and most people prefer to use this loadout, Rocket Jumper + Mantreads + Market Gardener (Trolldier) and its a fun and Interesting way to show-off to the world your skill! Tips:
Market Gardener - Mods for Team Fortress 2. - GameBanana
Market Gardener Mods for Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Ads keep us online. Without them, we wouldn't exist. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we never will.
Using Market Gardener effectively and not missing then dying …
Sep 6, 2018 · Market Gardener is a melee weapon designed specifically for the Soldier to pair with his unique kit of mobility by performing rocket jump(s). Though having similar damage stats and design, the Market Gardener is arguably an upgrade comparing with the Shovel by the fact that you could control the crits on will when rocket jumping and not ...
Meet the Market Gardener : r/tf2 - Reddit
Jan 29, 2012 · I have RL+Gunboats+market gardener as my set up right now, just to force myself to get better at rocket jumps. I really have gotten better, but still not good enough to actually get a MG kill. I keep getting closer and closer, and i know itll be the most gratifying kill ive ever gotten.