Lens test chart: Digital Photography Review
Our unique lens comparison widget lets you view test data for a wide selection of lenses, and compare them to each other at a range of apertures and focal lengths. First select the lens, then an appropriate test camera.
Lenses Database - DXOMARK
DXOMARK's comprehensive camera lens test result database allows you to browse and select lenses for comparison based on their characteristics, brand, price, lens type, lens size, focal range and aperture.
Free Lens Testing Chart Download - Photography News
Check out the quality of your lenses with this free lens testing chart, available to download in A3 and A2 sizes at 300ppi resolution
Camera Lens Testing- Sharpness, Chromatic Aberration and …
Analyzing Lens Testing Chart Images. The images you shoot can be analyzed for sharpness and chromatic aberration quite easily. The numbers on the lens testing chart represent the line pairs per mm (lp/mm) values of the test patterns they are next to. These patterns should be pretty accurate down to the set marked 5.0.
How to Test Your Lens | B&H eXplora - B&H Photo Video
Apr 22, 2021 · The goal of this article is to give you some pointers on how you can do some basic lens testing at home. To do that, I will share with you techniques I have used to test my lenses. There are two parts to my lens-test goal: Evaluating the lens’s performance, Getting the testing out of the way so that I can go out and make photos.
Free ISO 12233 Lens Test Chart - Digital Photography Review
Oct 20, 2004 · Download this really nice chart at measurebate your lenses to your hearts content. Its a great quality PDF. Since it is vector based and not rasterized, it will scale nicely to any output size.
Doing your own lens tests - Bob Atkins
TEST CHART. The test chart is a small (8.5" x 11") chart, printed on heavyweight matte paper using a 1440x720 dpi printer. It contains resolution test targets from 0.5 lp/mm to 4 lp/mm. I don't guarantee exact spacing and line widths above about 2 lp/mm though.
Camera Lens Testing - Focus Testing - Bob Atkins Photography
The lens testing chart which is shown at reduced size below can be downloaded (as a Zipped JPEG) HERE. You can see two sets of parallel lines which are your focus indicators. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 represent 1cm, 2cm and 3cm distances when the chart is used at 45 degrees as explained below.
Test Charts (Updated Daily) | Adorama
A professional lens test chart with multiple patterns for testing resolution and distortion, and precise color targets.
Lens testing charts - Vintage Lenses
Here are a few handy charts you can use for testing the focus resolution of lenses, and calibrating the colour of your camera footage. Print them out as big as you can, at least 300 dpi, on the best printer you can find.