Get started with Microsoft Teams
Explore how Teams can help you and your colleagues come together no matter where you are: Chat - Message someone or a group to talk about work, projects, or just for fun. Teams - …
Microsoft Teams video training - Microsoft Support
Training: Watch these videos to help your school, work, or organization use Microsoft Teams to video conference, work remotely, and become proficient using Teams.
Microsoft Teams help & learning
Get help with your questions about Microsoft Teams from our how-to articles, tutorials, and support content.
Collaborate and meet with Teams - Microsoft Support
Connect, communicate, and collaborate more effectively with Microsoft Teams. With Microsoft Teams on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can: Pull together a team. Use chat instead of …
Work with colleagues to create, edit, and review forms in …
In Microsoft Teams, easily set up a Forms tab, create a new form to collect responses, add an existing form to collect responses or show survey results, collaborate with your team on a …
Use Microsoft Teams on the web - Microsoft Support
Find Teams on the web at https://teams.microsoft.com. To use Teams, you need a Microsoft 365 account with a Business or Enterprise Microsoft 365 license plan. For more information, see …
Use @mentions to get someone's attention in Microsoft Teams
Use @mentions to get someone's attention in Microsoft Teams To get someone's attention in a channel conversation or a chat, @mention them. Just type @ before their name and then …
First things to know about teams in Microsoft Teams
A team is a group of people gathered to get something big done in your organization. Sometimes it’s your whole organization. Teams have channels. Teams are made up of channels, which …
Get started with Chat - Microsoft Support
Chat lets you connect with others, stay up to date on projects, and express yourself, whether you're in the office, at home, or on the go with the Microsoft Teams app. In Teams, you'll see …
Multitask during a Microsoft Teams meeting
Reduce context switching during Teams meetings by popping meeting content out in separate windows. Instead of switching between Chat , Notes , and Copilot *, open each one in its own …