Mr. Spock = Dr. Spock - The Trek BBS
Sep 25, 2014 · At the time that Star Trek originally aired, there was a well known, real life Dr. Spock, who was a pediatrician and protestor during the Viet Nam war. Roddenberry claimed …
Why did GR name Spock, "Spock"? - The Trek BBS
Oct 30, 2010 · In Jack Vance's space opera novel "The Star King", which predates Star Trek, there is a villain called "Mr. Spock". The movie "Free Enterprise", which is about Star Trek fans …
Did Spock ever speak with a contraction? - The Trek BBS
Oct 21, 2014 · Spock/Nimoy used them in the character' first seen in the second pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before": Mr. Spock: "I'll have you checkmated your next move." The character …
Your Favorite McCoy 'Insult' Said To Spock - The Trek BBS
Nov 2, 2015 · Star Trek V Kirk: Forgive you?! I oughtta knock you on your goddamn ass! Spock: If you think that will help. McCoy: You want me to hold him? and to a lesser extent: Kirk: Even as …
Carol Burnett & Mr. Spock - The Trek BBS
Aug 6, 2018 · With Carol holding a baby in the photo, I always assumed Nimoy's appearance was a walk-on sight gag meant as a visual "Dr. Spock" pun, meaning the famous baby doctor. And …
Funniest Doctor Leonard McCoy lines | The Trek BBS
Jun 29, 2010 · From the episode "Friday's Child". Kirk, Spock, McCoy & Eleen (prego lady) climbing up a hillside. KIRK: There's a cave in there. Probably the only shelter around here. …
Many Roles of Dr. McCoy | The Trek BBS
Oct 9, 2023 · Fandom: Star Trek TOS For Trektober 2023 The Many Roles of Dr. McCoy By Marie Nomad Dr. Leonard McCoy, affectionately known as 'Bones,' despises dress uniforms. …
McCoy's BS Treatment Of Spock - The Trek BBS
Jun 13, 2015 · Also, McCoy's confession to a comatose Spock in Star Trek III pretty much sealed the deal. There was also, apparently, a bit of dialogue that was written, but might not have …
Funniest Doctor Leonard McCoy lines | Page 2 - The Trek BBS
Jun 29, 2010 · Spock: Doctor I think I shall return to my station now. McCoy: You are at your station Mr.Spock. Kirk: Dr McCoy I believe your enjoying all this. Spock: Indead Captain, I've …
Dr. Gillian Taylor | The Trek BBS
Oct 22, 2014 · I believe in retrospect she recognized that possibly Spock and Kirk weren't that much of a threat and Spock's statements upon exiting the tank implied grave concern for the …