MCU Cap Respect Thread + feat breakdown - Captain America
From Captain America: The Winter Soldier . An exceptionally impressive feat, here Cap raises a fallen beam of The Winter Soldier long enough for him to escape.
Captain America vs Black Panther (MCU) - Battles - Comic Vine
Apr 30, 2016 · So Black Panther is stronger than Captain America, that's nice. Mark Henry. Drug tested world record 903 lb deadlift, world record 953 lb squat (with wraps), 3 lift total world …
Spider-Man (MCU) vs Captain America (MCU) - Battles - Comic Vine
Jul 20, 2019 · Captain America (Steve Rogers) MCU. So like we've all seen in 'Civil War', Spider-Man went toe-to-toe with Cap and the fight looked like it could have honestly gone either way. …
MCU Captain America vs Hawkeye - Battles - Comic Vine
Jun 16, 2017 · VS. Cap is in character, Hawkeye is bloodlustedRandom encounterCap has his shield, Hawkeye has his full set of trick arrowsStart 50 meters apartFight
Captain America (MCU) vs Master Chief - Battles - Comic Vine
Captain America can win. Not easy, but this fight is not a stomp on either side. Given his fights against Loki, Ultron, Black Panther, War Machine, Spider-Man AND Iron Man, Cap definitely …
MCU Captain America strength calculated - Comic Vine
Jun 4, 2017 · So Captain America was able to overhead lift Iron man. According to Shane Mahan, head honcho at Stan Winston Studio, the Iron man's suit weighs from 600-800Ibs.
MCU BATTLE: Captain America vs Drax the Destroyer
Poll MCU BATTLE: Captain America vs Drax the Destroyer (449 votes) Captain America 47% . Drax the Destroyer 53% . Drax gets his knives and Cap gets his shield. Drax thinks Cap is …
CaV: Captain America (KK88) vs Leon Kennedy (Hajduk)
Jan 5, 2024 · Captain America. Leon Kennedy. Base forms w/standard gear; Win by KO, Death, or BFR; Random Encounter; Captain America gets feats/statements from official canon MCU …
MCU Respect Thread - Steve Rogers : Captain America
Apr 20, 2018 · Presenting,Steve Rogers – God's Righteous Man.‘The war’s over, Steve. We can go home.’Time for a little introduction: - STRENGTH –Steve is a super-sol
MCU Luke Cage vs MCU Captain America - Battles - Comic Vine
Nov 22, 2015 · Captain America takes this. Better Fighter; Stronger (the guy flipped a motorcycle with enough force to completely shatter a car). Better Gear (Shield)