Rubber Spatula - Battle for Dream Island Wiki
In the Battle for Dream Island series, 'Rubber Spatula' is a character that physically resembles a plastic spatula with a rubber head, hence the name. This character, known for a calm and …
You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?
Jan 10, 2021 · Rubber Spatula starts naming every single voter's name while TV shows the voters' names, but Two interrupts and tells them to hurry up twice. Rubber Spatula quickly …
Rubber Spatula/Gallery | Battle for Dream Island Wiki | Fandom
This page is the image gallery for Rubber Spatula. You can help by adding images to the page, but only images that pertain to the article and are not fan-made. Images should be sorted …
Rubber Spatula | Object Shows Community | Fandom
Rubber Spatula is one of the contestants who had a chance to join TPOT. They are also a male contestant in BFTPITS taken by Bluegirl79. Rubber Spatula has a yellow head with a white …
Scisschorspatcart | Shipping Wiki | Fandom
Scissors is used by Rubber Spatula and Shopping Cart to cut down the tree. The short ends as it fades into a drawing of Rubber Spatula pushing Shopping Cart who has the tree in them, while …
PDASpat - Shipping Wiki | Fandom
PDASpat is the non-binary ship between PDA and Rubber Spatula in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. They both wanted to participate in the show, "The Power of Two". Two at first didn't …
Rubber Spatula's Family by lukesamsthesecond on DeviantArt
May 8, 2021 · Here is Rubber Spatula's family. The family members from L-R are: Fork and Spoony (Rubber Spatula's parents, Rubber Spatula, and Pocket Knife (Rubber Spatula's …