Dissertations and Theses (Ph.D. and Master's) - University of Michigan
Search within this collection: Dissertations and theses submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for master's or doctoral degrees at the University of Michigan. This collection also includes theses written by U-M faculty.
Changjian Wei A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) in the University of Michigan-Dearborn 2017 Master’s Thesis Committee: Associate Professor Hong-Tae Kang, Chair Professor Yi Zhang Associate Professor German Reyes
Dissertations | RTCL - University of Michigan
Enabling Direct Bluetooth-WiFi Communications. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan, 2024. Chun-Yu Chen. Context-Aware Detection and Resolution of Data Anomalies for Semi-Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan, 2022. Hoang Duc Bui. Assessment of Privacy Risks in Mobile and Web Applications/Services.
Wei-yi Ma - University of Michigan Press
Ma Wei-yi is Chinese Bibliographer in the Asia Library, University of Michigan. Share:
Browsing Dissertations and Theses (Ph.D. and Master's) by Author
Browsing Dissertations and Theses (Ph.D. and Master's) by Author. Browsing Dissertations and Theses (Ph.D. and Master's) by Author
Wei Hu
I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. My research focuses on the theoretical and scientific foundations of deep learning. I aim to uncover the underlying mechanisms and principles of deep learning by opening its black box.
Kim research group - Group - Google Sites
Associate Professor at Chonnam National University. Machine-learning-based ENSO and MJO prediction
Wei Yi - Google Scholar
University of Science and Technology of China - Cited by 5,973 - Quantum simulation - Cold Atoms
GSCF Theses and Dissertations – Gansu Survey of Children and …
Wei, Yi. 2016. “ Teacher Mobility in Rural China: Evidence from Northwest China ” (Doctoral dissertation). Michigan State University. Lu, Yao. 2015. “ Essays in Health Economics ” (Doctoral dissertation). The University of Chicago. Leight, Jessica. 2013. “ Three Essays in Development Economics ” (Doctoral dissertation).
The University of Michigan Department of Biostatistics …
We seek to advance knowledge in biostatistics and health through educational programs for students and applied researchers. The Department also plays a major service role, both within the University of Michigan and on the national and international stage. Read more...