Historical Topographic Maps - Preserving the Past
Current US Topos and historical topographic maps are available as digital files or printed to order. Build a USGS topographic map with choice of format, area of interest, scale, and National Map content.
Topo Map Explorer - ArcGIS
Welcome to the new Historical Topo Map Explorer! We are out of beta and there have been many updates and improvements. Click anywhere in the United States to find USGS historical topo maps. Explore, download, or export what you like.
Get Maps - USGS Topoview
The US Topo series is a latest generation of topographic maps modeled on the USGS historical 7.5-minute series (created from 1947-1992). Like the historical topographic mapping collection, we've added a variety of file formats previously unavailable for the US Topo series, including GeoTIFF and KMZ.
Topographic Maps | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
Download our historical topographic maps and our more current US Topo maps (published 2009-present) free of charge using TopoView (GeoPDF, GeoTIFF, JPEG, and KMZ formats) or using the USGS Store’s Map Locator (GeoPDF format).
topoView | USGS
The maps shown through topoView are from the USGS’s US Topo series and earlier Historical Topographic Map Collection (HTMC). The term “US Topo” refers specifically to quadrangle topographic maps published in 2009 and later.
Historical Topographic Map Collection | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
The Historical Topographic Map Collection (HTMC) is a digital archive of about 190,000 printed topographic quadrangle maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from the inception of the topographic mapping program in 1884 until the last paper topographic map using lithographic printing technology was published in 2006.
Historical Topographic Map Collection bookmark
The goal of this project, which began publishing the historical scanned maps in 2011, is to provide a digital repository of USGS topographic maps, available to the public at no cost. For more than 125 years, USGS topographic maps have accurately portrayed the …
Help Guide - USGS Topoview
The USGS home page for the scanned Historical Topographic Map Collection (HTMC). The HTMC is a digital repository of USGS 1:250,000 scale and larger maps printed between 1884, the inception of the topographic mapping program, and 2006.
Historical USGS Topo Maps to Explore and Use - Esri
Feb 6, 2019 · Esri’s USGS Historical Topographic Map collection contains scanned maps that were published as an ArcGIS Online image service. Using the Historical Topo Map Explorer app, you can search for maps by address or place or interactively from the map.
Access Over 181,000 USGS Historical Topographic Maps - Esri
Feb 16, 2024 · The recently updated Historical Topo Map Explorer app helps you visually explore and access over 181,000 historical scanned USGS topo maps, and you can add terrain, satellite imagery, and labels to the display.