New York City Public Schools
NYC Department of Education, serving 1.1 million students in over 1,800 schools
Employees - New York City Public Schools
The (NYCDOE) is pleased to be able to provide our employees with information regarding special discounts, incentives and offers on our InfoHub page (sign in required). Careers. Careers are still listed on this site. You can find out more about—and search openings—for: Principals and Assistant Principals. Becoming a Principal; Openings for ...
NYC Schools Account NYCSA
NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is an app that helps you track your child’s education. Through NYCSA, you can see their grades, attendance, fitness results, schedule, and more. Find out how to sign up, now.
2023-2024 School Year Calendar - New York City Public Schools
This is the 2023–24 school year calendar for all 3K–12 NYCDOE public schools. If your child attends a private, parochial, charter school, NYC Early Education Center (NYCEEC) or Family Childcare Program, please contact your child’s school for information about their calendar.
DOE Data at a Glance - New York City Public Schools
Z.Q. vs. NYC Department of Education FERPA; J.S.M. vs DOE Notice of Class Action Settlement; Building Accessibility; Boldly Reimagining Special Education Boldly Reimagining Special Education; Inclusive Schools; Due Process: Impartial Hearings and Mediation Due Process: Impartial Hearings and Mediation
School Year 2024-25 - New York City Public Schools
On September 5, 2024, we will welcome students back to New York City public schools for the first day of the 2024-25 school year.Over the course of the next year, our City’s children will be learning and growing together, academically and socially. This is an important journey, and we want to make sure students and families have the tools they'll need for a strong start and …
High School
High school offers are now available! You can get your offer in your MySchools account or through your child's school. Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to access your offer and waitlists on MySchools. Starting next week, join us for …
Applications and Platforms - New York City Public Schools
Learn how to use the NYCDOE Zoom account. iLearnNYC. iLearn NYC is an online learning portal designed to broaden and enhance your school's course offerings. WeLearnNYC. WeLearnNYC is an online learning portal for adults in the New York City DOE community. It offers self-paced courses for onboarding, professional development, and more.
Vision and Mission - New York City Public Schools
Z.Q. vs. NYC Department of Education FERPA; J.S.M. vs DOE Notice of Class Action Settlement; Building Accessibility; Boldly Reimagining Special Education Boldly Reimagining Special Education; Inclusive Schools; Due Process: Impartial Hearings and Mediation Due Process: Impartial Hearings and Mediation
NYCPS Leadership and Offices - New York City Public Schools
Prior to joining TNTP, Weisberg served as Chief Executive of Labor Policy and Implementation for the NYC Department of Education under Mayor Bloomberg and Chancellor Joel Klein. In this role he was responsible for leading the DOE’s relationships with its union partners, including negotiating groundbreaking collective bargaining agreements ...