The VCCP new business machine seems to be clicking into top gear: now it's landed insurer Direct Line Group in a pitch ...
The IPA’s 65th annual agency census shows that staff numbers in both media and creative agencies are up, while turnover is ...
The ripple effect of the mooted Omnicom/IPG merger is already being felt and John Moore (left), global CEO of Mediahub, ...
Allied Bakeries went direct to production house Lobster for its new Kingsmill 50/50 campaign, which takes the throwaway suggestion that “magic” makes it taste good, and runs with it. Directed by Alex ...
New Commercial Arts, bought by WPP's Ogilvy towards the end of last year, has won its first biggie: P/E-owned PG Tips. NCA beat a strong line-up including AMV BBDO, Mother and incumbent The Calling.