1) Successfully developed ART352-L, a liposomal formulation of recombinant human WNT3A protein, that is applied ex vivo, to harvested autologous bone graft (autograft) to enhance the osteogenic ...
Maggie, a former marathon runner, was diagnosed in 2006 with multiple sclerosis—a disease whose symptoms progress from relatively mild, such as the limb numbness she experiences, to severe, such as ...
该“通往干细胞研究的桥梁”计划的目标是培养能够开展独立研究项目并能够轻松融入现有干细胞研究小组的学生。 拟议的计划将在 30 年内培训 3 个批次的 3 名本科生。 选定的学生将参加所在 ...
Jonathan Thomas, PhD, JD, is President and CEO of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Thomas was previously the Chair of the CIRM governing Board from June 2011 to March 2023.
Des souris ont été produites chez lesquelles les cellules contiennent une protéine verte qui permet de les retracer après leur transplantation. Cela permet de surveiller la survie des cellules ...
公众可以按照上面打印的地址亲自参加本次会议,也可以通过下面列出的选项远程参加。 一旦我们征求公众意见,公众可以通过按 *9 来征求意见,这会将您排入队列以发表意见。 一旦我们点名 ...
The last thing Maria Torres expected was to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She exercised, ate well and kept her weight under control. There had to be some mistake. Maria asked her doctor to repeat ...
Anne-Marrie Duliege, MD, is a Senior Executive and Chief Medical Officer with 30 years of experience guiding biopharmaceutical companies through development and commercial stages. Dr. Duliege is ...
与未决的 CIRM 法规相关的所有文件都可以在下面的链接中找到。 CIRM 准备了以下常见问题解答和入门指南,概述了与 CIRM 向潜在和现有受赠者和被许可人赠款相关的权利和责任 《健康与安全法 ...
美国有 60,000 万人患有心力衰竭,每年导致约 30 万人死亡,每年造成 2 亿美元的损失。 当心脏受损并且无法满足对其的要求时,就会发生心力衰竭。 与其他器官不同,心脏受伤后无法完全自我 ...
The simple term “stem cell” actually refers to many different types of cells. The tissue-specific stem cells, or adult stem cells, replenish tissues throughout our lives. Embryonic stem cells exist ...
最佳的心脏功能取决于适当协调的心脏传导系统(CCS)。 CCS 是一组专门的细胞,负责产生心律并将这些信号有效地传导到工作心肌。 这种特殊的 CCS 包括窦房结、房室结和希氏-浦肯野系统。