There are a couple of solid reasons to doubt that parents are justified in lying to their children. The first is one many philosophy students learn about when they study what’s known as the ethics of ...
Chad Trainer on the limits of Russell’s views on space exploration. Bertrand Russell was one of the best at chronicling and lampooning history’s opponents of science. Surprisingly, though, he himself ...
Our intrepid philosophical investigator Grant Bartley files a conference report. The London School of Economics (LSE) is a complex of buildings hidden in the heart of London, sandwiched between Covent ...
The story of Russell’s philosophical account of the evils of German politics starts with the chaotic jingoism of the First World War. Prior to 1914, German scholarship had been widely respected in ...
Debra Trione encourages American leaders to make their visions of utopia real. The idea of ‘America’ is the idea of a perpetually perfectible world: “a more perfect union,” states the US Constitution; ...
The philosophical counseling movement started during the early Eighties in Europe and the US. It seemed to be a zeitgeist phenomenon: the time was ripe, and a number of people around the world who had ...
Roger Caldwell responds to an analysis of Nietzsche’s morality. For many, Nietzsche and morality make an unlikely conjunction. Certainly, for all his challenging views – or perhaps because they proved ...
Peter Benson deconstructs the moral intrigues of Dorian Gray. “The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.” Wilde added this preface when the novel was reprinted a year ...
William Rowe is a professor of philosophy at Purdue University. Though an atheist, he spends much of his working life thinking about God. Nick Trakakis recently chatted with him about God and evil and ...
Hans Lenk relates to different types of responsibility. In his The Devil’s Dictionary (1911), the well-known satirical writer Ambrose Bierce defined responsibility as: “a detachable burden easily ...
Brian Morris deplores John Moore and friends’ views on Nietzsche and anarchism. This interesting collection of essays, mostly by male academic philosophers, is largely an attempt to convince us that ...
What is it to be rational? An individual appears to be rational, rational being his actions. But what does it mean to act in a rational way? Let us turn to the notion of rationality as a ...