Directed by Meera Menon. Starring Kiran Deol, George Basil, Samrat Chakrabarti, Katie McCuen, Ali Lopez-Sohaili, Kandis Fay, Rupak Ginn, Rachna Khatau, Jhanelle Elissa, Vishal Vijayakumar, and August ...
Bears linebacker Tremaine Edmunds talks with Anthony "Spice" Adams about what he likes to cook on his days off.
"Didn't Die," which premiered Tuesday at the Sundance Film Festival, has a fresh take on zombie horror while still delivering ...
In the quirky Sundance indie 'Didn't Die,' a podcast host desperately clings to an ever-shrinking audience in the zombie apocalypse.
The film is personal to Menon: everyone on the skeleton cast and crew is friends and family, the dog and the baby in the film ...