The animated film "Walk in the Light" about Oklahoma City bombing survivor Raymond Washburn has been nominated for an NAACP ...
“The Brutalist” is a fictional tale of a Jewish Hungarian architect and Holocaust survivor’s struggle to rebuild his life and ...
Eva Kor, the small-but-mighty survivor, will be on the big screen again, this time with a major movie about her family's life ...
A fresh-faced singer and Mick Jagger’s muse in the 1960s, she went on to experience more than her share of hard times before emerging triumphant.
Farmington Hills’ Zekelman Holocaust Center (The HC) will present a two-day series of events marking the occasion, on Sunday ...
The 101-year-old Spokane resident and Holocaust survivor is featured in a documentary, produced and directed by Gonzaga ...
Niranj Maniyanpilla Raju has clarified rumors about his father's health, stating that actor Maniyanpilla Raju is well after ...
Actor Niranj Maniyanpilla Raju has opened up about his father's health condition and revealed that his father is a cancer ...
In a fraught moment in the film “A Real Pain,” Kieran Culkin, playing the more volatile of a pair of Jewish cousins who go on ...
The Jewish Film Festival is set to begin at the Magic Lantern, showcasing a film about local Holocaust survivor Carla Pepper ...
Nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, The Brutalist is an audacious epic about a Holocaust survivor and architect trying to rebuild his life in the US.