Japan's government and experts have issued a warning about the increasing likelihood of a mega-earthquake striking the nation ...
On Wednesday, a panel of experts set up to advise the government on risks associated with natural disasters updated its estimate of the threat posed by a major earthquake in the Nankai Trough ...
Geologists don't have a crystal ball that can foresee future earthquakes, but seismic specialists in the Japanese government believe that the odds of a big one are creeping upwards. According to Japan ...
The most likely location for a megaquake in Japan is along the Nankai Trough, an 800km-long undersea trench near Japan’s Pacific coast, where the government panel said there was now more than 80 ...
According to Japan's Earthquake Research Committee, there’s an 80 percent chance that a megaquake could occur in the Nankai Trough within the next 30 years. That's slightly up from the 70 to 80 ...
TOKYO – The probability of a magnitude-8 to 9 earthquake occurring in the Nankai Trough in the next 30 years has been raised from “70% to 80%” to “around 80%,” according to a report released Wednesday ...
The Earthquake Research Committee has upped its estimate of the probability of such a devastating earthquake happening in an area called the Nankai Trough, an 800-kilometer (about 497-mile ...
It concerns what is known as a subduction megathrust quake along the Nankai Trough, an 800-kilometre (500-mile) undersea gully running parallel to Japan's Pacific coast. The trench is where the ...