write your letter to Santa Claus and a few lucky audience members will have their Christmas wish mentioned in the live show! Click here to download your Letter to Santa TEMPLATE (designed by Phoebe ...
Melanie Oliveiro speaks with the team behind Raging Fire Productions, Singapore’s trailblazers in high-octane action films. Jonathan Cheong, Agnes Goh, and Alvin Chin share their journey from th ...
More than a hundred years ago, an 8-year-old girl wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Sun: “Please tell me the truth: is there a Santa Claus?” The answer — “Yes, Virginia ...
In character as Pánfilo, he sent a letter to Santa Claus containing a clear warning that amused his followers. In a mock phone call, set beside his Christmas tree adorned with candles instead of ...
From 1952 to 2008, children in Deerfield had an opportunity to write letters to Santa Claus and, after some time, a letter from the big man himself would be sent back to the child. Now, decades later ...
"Sometimes during the year, it's not as easy to engage in those conversations but with a letter to Santa Claus, that's a really special thing," said MacKenzie-Thurley. "That's a one-way ...
Sending a letter to Santa can be difficult as no one ... By the 19th century, Santa Claus was settled in popular awareness more or less what we think of now: a jolly old man with a beard, a ...
TOOMBS COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) - The Toombs County town of Santa Claus is a worldwide attraction all year. However, on Christmas Eve, is when all the magic happens. WTOC visited the town on Christmas Eve ...
Queensland: Sending a letter to Santa can be difficult as no ... By the 19th century, Santa Claus was settled in popular awareness more or less what we think of now: a jolly old man with a beard ...
An 8-year-old girl in Arizona was so distraught after learning the truth about Santa Claus that she wrote her parents an angry letter labeling them "dream crushers" and "backstabbers." zamuruev ...