UP CM Yogi Adityanath to offer sacred Abhishek to Ram Lalla at Ayodhya Temple on Pratishtha Dwadashi 2025. Get the latest updates on this significant event.
Legendary singer Usha Mangeshkar will render ‘Raga Seva’ on the inaugural day of the three-day event at Angad Tila.
Ayodhya will host the Pratishtha Dwadashi festival from January 11 to 13, celebrating the first anniversary of Ram Lalla’s installation in the grand temple. On the opening day, January 11, Chief Minis ...
Ayodhya will host the Pratishtha Dwadashi festival from January 11 to 13, celebrating the first anniversary of Ram Lalla’s installation in the grand temple. On the opening day, January 11, Chief Minis ...
The holy city of Ayodhya is set to host Pratishtha Dwadashi festival from January 11 to 13, celebrating the first anniversary of Ram Lalla’s installation in the grand temple. On the opening day i.e.
Lucknow: Gearing up to celebrate the first anniversary of Ram Lalla's consecration ceremony, Ayodhya is set host the ‘Pratishtha Dwadashi' festival fr.
Harishchandra Vishwakarma or Chabi Wale Baba, who is famous for carrying 20-kg Ram Naam Ki Chabhi, arrives for Maha Kumbh ...