In our polarized society, a new study offers hope for the future: Even young children can learn to discuss and argue about ...
Fox est tellement passionnée par le pouvoir de l'argumentation qu'elle est devenue l'une des principales instigatrices de Debating Matters - un concours d'argumentation - et a invité les écoles ...
Debate and emotional expression have different meanings around the world. They can foster interdependence or individualism, closeness or conflict.
Writing structured and coherent essays is a fundamental skill for students, but many struggle to develop strong argumentation ...
Starting from the premise that learning to argue well and to evaluate the arguments of others should be central goals of education, this research investigates argumentation as a method for teaching ...
Despite its recognized importance and a recent surge of scholarly interest in argumentation, there is a dearth of educational research on how students individually and collaboratively construct ...