In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found oxygen being produced in a location where no one expected it – the ...
Earth ejecta, for instance, could hold Earth life.
The question is no longer, is there life beyond Earth? It’s a pretty sure bet there is. The question now is, how do we find it? The revelation that the galaxy is teeming with planets has ...
New research sheds light on icy ocean worlds like Jupiter's Europa, focusing on a novel thermodynamic concept called the ...
That could soon change, thanks to a new NASA flagship telescope being designed to seek out strange new worlds that could ...
News stories about the likely existence of extraterrestrial life, and our chances of detecting it, tend to be positive. We ...
There is no hard scientific evidence that intelligent life exists anywhere beyond Earth, yet when asked if there's anyone else out there, most people have a strong opinion one way or the other.
So, if there really is life on Venus ... He's an astrobiologist - someone who studies the possibilities of life beyond Earth. He thinks Mars or the moons of Jupiter and Saturn are a better ...