Mardi Gras is known as one of the biggest parties in the world, and this year, the party begins on Jan. 6 and runs through March 4. The culture in New Orleans during Mardi Gras is rich ...
If you peel the layers of the onion that is Mardi Gras, you’ll find a Catholic holiday rich in history and tradition that spans the globe. While many of us here in the U.S. may associate it with ...
Each year on Jan. 6, as other Americans are taking down their Christmas decorations, residents in New Orleans and other parts of the Gulf South start hanging Mardi Gras beads and ordering their ...
But at one point in its long history, Mobile’s Mardi Gras was held on New Year’s Eve – and that’s when parades and mystic societies began. The site of Old Mobile was then part of French ...
Another name for the Mardi Gras season is "Carnival." The name may derive from the medieval Latin word, "carnelevarium," which means "to take away or remove meat," according to the History Channel.