The Warriors visited with grizzly bears and competed against one of the nation’s best at 11,000-feet elevation.
Historically, human habitation inside the Denali region is over 11,000 years old. Athabaskan people’s presence in the region dates back roughly 1,800 years while principal groups in the park area in ...
One of the Trump administration's executive orders mandates maximum energy and resource development on Alaska's public lands.
The two bills heard in committee to reduce wolf populations by relaxing hunting rules follow up on legislation passed in 2021 that directed the FWP commission to reduce wolf populations “to a ...
You don't want to miss these fascinating facts about Groundhog Day and the furry critters that we celebrate every February.
Native Americans are those who are indigenous to the United States and there are still 574 federally recognized tribes. They ...
The Alaska Gold Rush town of Nome was hundreds of miles from anywhere, cut off by the frozen sea and under siege from a ...
While some changes in mushing come from development in the sport, others have been forced by a changing climate. One part of ...
A small but growing number of farmers in Alaska have taken to an unconventional way of growing greens and herbs – by doing it ...
In 1978 he published his first book, “Doug Lindstrand’s Alaskan Sketchbook,” which went on to have 13 editions.
When two schoolteachers living in Point Lay, Alaska, decided to try heading home in a blizzard, they nearly loose their way ...
Logging, overfishing and competition from non-native trout wiped out Michigan’s Arctic grayling population nearly a century ...