“Jersey Boys” tells the story of the Four Seasons formation and their against-all-odds success as it’s happening. The show includes everything you’d expect from the rough streets of mid-20th century ...
“A Rock N’ Roll Heart” and “Time Capsule” were shot at numerous locations around the Ventura, Ojai and Santa Paula areas.
An iconic piece of Hollywood history has fetched a higher price than the median home in Florida. Olivia Newton-John's ...
Silent House Theatre Company turns its attention to the favorite rock ’n’ roll musical “Grease” with a two-weekend run opening Friday—and it's one of the group's biggest shows to date.
A series of romantic musical films about clashing cliques of high schoolers in the 1950s and 1960s.
Here are all the major players in Prime Video's new comedy "You're Cordially Invited," starring Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon ...
Prime Video's newest winter wedding rom com 'You're Cordially Invited' has a stacked cast led by Reese Witherspoon, Will ...
Scott Foley has joined the cast of Scream 7. Kevin Williamson is directing the seventh movie in the Scream franchise. Neve ...
John Leguizamo is the latest star to join the cast of Christopher Nolan's "The Odyssey," which also includes Matt Damon, Tom ...
Vince Vaughn, Ron White, Jon Lovitz, Veronika Slowikowska and Steph Tolev have joined Shane Gillis' Netflix series 'Tires' as ...
Christopher Nolan's upcoming film, The Odyssey, boasts a star-studded ensemble, featuring several Academy Award winners and ...
10 Dundas St. E, Suite 402, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2G9, 416-977-9262 ...