Inspired by actor-comedian Kevin Hart's upbringing in North Philadelphia, "Lil Kev," a new adult animated comedy, is headed ...
The National Hockey League will test an animated recap show aimed at young fans and families. “NHL Hockeyverse Matchup of the ...
The 'My Love Affair with Marraige' director's next project tells the story of a tight-knit family striving to survive in ...
From the late 1990s and all through the early 21st century, TV saw a meteoric rise in animated shows aimed at adults.
Based on the nostalgic toys of the 1980s, the animated series, written by Gavin Hignight ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012, ...
Davidson's claims of the late January release being his best job thus far are exciting. I've loved him since he was first ...
Old school Spidey fans will likely appreciate the retro-tinged 3D cel-shading style, which pays homage to the artwork of ...
The Modesto Symphony Orchestra presents highlights from two of Disney’s animated features, “Fantasia” and its sequel, ...
Typically read on the last day of fourth grade, Oh, The Places You’ll Go is an essentially plotless poem that follows a ...
BET+ has ordered its first animated series, 'Lil Kev,' based on creator Kevin Hart's childhood; Wanda Sykes and Deon Cole are ...
The innovative animated documentary 'Endless Cookie,' directed by half-siblings Seth and Peter Scriver, premieres at the ...
It's been a long time coming - seven years, in fact - but Netflix's animated adaption of Devil Cry is almost upon us.