This antenna works up to 50 miles away from the station. It pulls in a lot of channels with great reception. Extremely easy to use: just hit the set up / search channels on your TV and that's it.
I was under the impression that indoor antennas couldn't possibly work, but I decided to roll the dice on a Best Buy Essentials antenna for $6 thanks to an open-box deal and a $10 coupon.
Super Bowl TV sales are starting to arrive. The Super Bowl 59 is less than a month away (taking place on February 9), which means early deals are available from Best Buy, Samsung, Walmart ...
Now, the company is infusing Gemini into Google TV to level up your home entertainment. I got a demo of the upcoming features, and here's a break down of the best new tools. Google's releases at ...
If you're looking to buy a new TV, you may be overwhelmed by the amount of choices available. To help you narrow down the choices, and choose the best TV for your space and budget, here three that ...
SIMPLE, EASY-TO-USE FM/AM RADIO WITH HIGH QUALITY SOUND: Portable handheld radio with digital tuner has a simple, easy-to-use interface, with antennas that pick up both AM and FM signals EASY-TO ...
Get the 65-inch LG OLED evo C4 series smart TV for this limited time low price of just $1,697 — a 37% discount (-$1,003) — over at Amazon. See at Amazon Get the best tech, science ...
I've been tracking TV deals for over a decade and I know how to spot a good deal from a mediocre everyday discount. To help you find more of the best TV deals, I'm rounding up today's top ...
2020 colour space favoured by creatives ... LG is one of the biggest names in OLED TVs, and its sets have a strong track record, with two out of the three top sets we recommend in our best OLED TV ...
Having individual red, green, and blue LEDs allows for a much wider color gamut — much like Hisense is able to do with its TriChroma Laser TVs — and it achieves 97% of the BT.2020 color space ...
But according to Consumer Reports’ microwave oven ratings, the best countertop microwaves don’t necessarily come with higher prices when you’re comparing models of the same size. Whether you ...
A 55-inch 4K TV is a good size to suit most rooms, and the Insignia F30 has almost everything you could hope for in a TV this size. It presents all of your favorite content in breathtaking 4K ...