FranceInfo, France Culture, France Inter… Depuis plusieurs jours, le service public multiplie à l’excès les articles woke à destination des parents pour les inviter à reconsidérer leurs méthodes d’édu ...
Les lectures pour enfants, voire pour bébés, avec des drag-queens ne sont pas les seuls lieux à éviter. Il faut aussi parfois les éloigner de la télévision, et des programmes pourtant affichés enfanti ...
La baisse des effectifs se confirme dans les écoles et les collèges de l'Isère pour la rentrée scolaire 2025-2026.
With the increase in production, Sullivan hopes to offer these appren­tices permanent positions within the ACTOM group. “The good news is that, hopefully, there will be permanent posi­tions for these ...
Que faire en Bretagne : idées de sorties ? Découvrez toutes nos idées de sorties près de chez vous en Bretagne : concerts, ...
Building firm Taylor Wimpey took part in this year's Appren T Fest in Swindon. This event was part of the 18th National Apprenticeship Week. Appren T Fest, organised by New College Swindon, is the ...
WORCESTERSHIRE Apprenticeships’ very own penguin in the great Waddle of Worcester has found a home with local training provider GLP Training. In the summer of 2024, St Richard’s Hospice delivered the ...
He is attracting different attention, and some leading man hardware, after standout performances in “The Apprentice” and “A Different Man.” He is attracting different attention, and some ...
From tech to nature: John Miller on his first book 'What's in a Year: A Countryman's Tale Through The Seasons' ...
Wiltshire College & University Centre's staged its annual Appren-T-Fest. The event saw Year 10 and 11 pupils attend the college's Trowbridge campus, where they met with 20 employers from across the ...