A labourer died and 49 were pulled out alive from the snow that engulfed a BRO camp in the high-altitude Mana village in ...
One of the 48 workers of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO), who were rescued from the debris of an avalanche that hit ...
Officials in India say more than 40 construction workers are missing after an avalanche hit their camp in Uttarakhand state.
At least four workers have died after an avalanche swept away a large construction crew working on a highway near India’s ...
A massive avalanche hit an Army project site near Mana village, close to the India-China border in Uttarakhand’s Chamoli ...
Uttarakhand State Disaster Management Authority releases list of missing workers, who hail from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, ...
Uttarakhand CM conducts aerial survey of avalanche-hit areas, 47 rescued, 8 still trapped, rescue operations ongoing.
Uttarakhand: One of the workers, buried under an avalanche in Chamoli, who was rescued by the Indian Army, died in the ...
The Indian Army and rescue teams are in a desperate race against time to save the remaining eight workers still trapped after ...
NEW DELHI (Reuters) -At least 41 people remain trapped under snow after an avalanche struck the Indian Himalayan mountain ...