“Shubenacadie Sam,” also known as Sammy, resides in Shubenacadie Wildlife Park in Nova Scotia, Canada. Sammy is the first ...
On Feb. 2, 2014, the Staten Island Zoo hosted its annual Groundhog Day celebration, which took an unexpected turn.
Animal-welfare activists are asking local officials to stop using the animals at their Groundhog Day events. Officials are ...
They stay in their burrows until late March or early April, when they can find insects, plants, fruits and vegetables and occasional snacks of bird eggs. In Minnesota, groundhogs are known as ...
In a time of climate anxiety, political unpredictability, and technological change, Groundhog Day isn't silly. It's grounding ...
This winter has been harsh, especially in the Midwest and East Coast, but in just a couple weeks, on Groundhog Day, we'll ...
Groundhog Day is Sunday, Feb. 2. Though not a federal holiday, Americans tune in annually Feb. 2 to see if the famed ...
You may know that Groundhog Day is coming up, but do you know who Punxsutawney Phil is? Know a bit of his backstory before ...
Before you take the trip over to Pennsylvania for Groundhog Day festivities there, you should at least know a little bit about Punxsutawney Phil, especially if you want to see if he sees his shadow.
This winter has been harsh, especially in the Midwest and East Coast, but in just a couple weeks, on Groundhog Day, we'll find out if we're going to find out we're going to have an extra long winter.