Don't let the cooties get to you and your family this season. With winter in full swing, now's as good a time as any for us to consider how we can keep ourselves and our families healthy, physically ...
New York City Public Schools and United Federation of Teachers (UFT) hold a common belief that by extending educators’ skills beyond their individual classrooms, teachers can be powerful levers of ...
Students: kick off the new year with new learning and earning opportunities! Throughout January, organizations and institutions like NYC Parks, the New York Hall of Science, and Microsoft are seeking ...
This holiday season, NYC's public libraries are offering a wide range of offerings in branches and at home for kids, teens, and families! Get a free library card if you don't already have one and ...
The NYCDOE is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation and/or bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination on account of actual ...
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. Title IX provides, “No person in ...
Parents: it's time to get involved! When it comes to helping New York City public schools succeed, parents are the best partners our teachers, students, and staff members have. From fundraising and ...
Your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is your gateway to support and track your children's progress—grades, attendance, and now transportation. Already have a NYCSA ...
Participating in these elections as a candidate or voter is your opportunity to help shape the future of your school community, so be sure to get involved and make your voice heard. As of January 13, ...
As teens start to think about next steps, apply for financial aid for college, and brush up their resumes in preparation for entering the workforce, NYC's public libraries are here to provide support ...
Your reputation is based on what you say and do. Want others to see you as friendly? Smile and say “hi” to people. Want others to see you as smart? Raise your hand when you know the answer in class.