After filing Rs 50 crore defamation lawsuit, Rupali Ganguly has now filed a criminal defamation complaint against her ...
MUMBAI: The Bombay High Court on Wednesday granted ad-interim relief to television actress Rupali Ganguly, known for her lead role in the series Anupama, in a defamation case against her ...
Rupali Ganguly secures court relief against stepdaughter Esha Verma’s defamatory allegations, with the case set for hearing on February 15. In the notice, Rupali claimed that Esha’s actions ...
In the fight between Rupali Ganguly and Esha Verma, the actress has escalated her legal battle by filing a criminal ...
Rupali Ganguly initiates criminal defamation proceedings against her stepdaughter, Esha Verma, seeking punitive action and an injunction to halt further defamatory statements. In her notice ...
Rupali Ganguly has taken a significant step in her ongoing feud with her stepdaughter Esha Verma, by launching a criminal ...
Rupali Ganguly initiates criminal defamation proceedings against her stepdaughter, Esha Verma, seeking punitive action and an ...
The talented actress Rupali Ganguly, popular for her title role in the popular TV serial Anupamaa, talks about her past sufferings in the Bollywood industry and how the series has changed her life.