One proposal would grant some licensed elk hunters free ‘coupons,’ authorizing them to hunt for grizzlies outside the Greater ...
A bill that would deregulate killing and mandate trapping throughout the state stems from concerns over struggling mule deer, ...
Your choice doesn't have to be a wild animal. Livestock would be a perfect representative of the state. Cattle, horses, and ...
When a Montana horse breeder allegedly stopped caring for his herd of Morgans, and a pair of ranch hands alerted authorities.
A proposal to allow landowners to sell their hunting tags would make hunting in Wyoming the sport of kings, opponents say. It ...
A Wyoming bill that sought to allow landowners to sell their big-game tags died. Hunters there have said it's a step in the ...
Gordon has “grave concerns” that lawmakers pushing for a loan system don’t understand “the circumstances on the ground” ...
House Bill 286, “Mountain lion hunting season-changes,” would throw out the fundamental structure of current lion management: ...
Wyoming wildlife managers are planning to do whatever they can to remove grizzly bears’ Endangered Species Act protections ...
Sportspeople and game wardens leery of the large landowner-backed legislation see it as a 'step toward privatization of a ...
Senate File 118 would allow Wyoming landowners to generate some extra cash by creating a new market for the special hunting ...
Gov. Mark Gordon recently spoke to landowners, local elected officials, emergency responders and the public in general in ...