One proposal would grant some licensed elk hunters free ‘coupons,’ authorizing them to hunt for grizzlies outside the Greater ...
Lawmakers unanimously advanced a bill that would outlaw torturing wolves and other predators Tuesday. But some Wyomingites ...
A proposal to allow landowners to sell their hunting tags would make hunting in Wyoming the sport of kings, opponents say. It ...
Gordon has “grave concerns” that lawmakers pushing for a loan system don’t understand “the circumstances on the ground” ...
A Wyoming bill that sought to allow landowners to sell their big-game tags died. Hunters there have said it's a step in the ...
House Bill 286, “Mountain lion hunting season-changes,” would throw out the fundamental structure of current lion management: ...
Wyoming wildlife managers are planning to do whatever they can to remove grizzly bears’ Endangered Species Act protections ...
We are disappointed, but not shocked, that the new administration cancelled its public hearings where people could voice their support for keeping federal grizzly bear protection in place under the ...
“We found that harvesting a high proportion of the adult males in the herd – around 40% every year for 20 years, is expected ...
Gov. Mark Gordon’s $130 million request for wildfire funding was reduced to $100 million by Wyoming lawmakers Tuesday, and it ...
A dead cow elk at a Wyoming feedground tested positive for CWD, highlighting concerns around the state's supplemental feeding ...
Long feared by wildlife advocates, Wyoming has documented the first case of an elk testing positive for chronic wasting disease on one of its winter feedgrounds. The adult cow elk was found dead on ...