The show reimagines Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, setting the story in 1940s Harlem, New York, where Viola (Tsemaye Bob-Egbe), known as ‘Vy’, is attempting to carve out success as a female songwriter ...
Twelfth Night is the best bit of Shakespeare the RSC had put on this year or for many a year come to that. C’mon, it’s FESTE-vus! Let’s sing along with Sir Toby: “Maybe this Christmas won’t be quite ...
A statement from the Illinois State University Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts said the festival is producing three plays, which include William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and ...
Reviewed by Tony Way A scene from Twelfth Night by Melbourne Shakespeare Company.Credit: Nick Robertson A loose musical approach and broad panto comedy worked fine in the MSC’s rose garden ...
Prince William insisted he does not want to 'preach' about the environment as people shouldn't be told what they can't do - in what appeared to be a veiled dig at Harry and Meghan. During an ...
Given an infinite amount of time, an infinite number of monkeys randomly prodding keys on a typewriter could, in theory, eventually replicate the works of William Shakespeare. At least ...
“I’m feeling equal joy and terror about playing darts with you, you know, the future King of England,” the actress says in a new short film to promote a ...
Prince William and Kate, both 42, are expected to join the King and Queen Camilla at Sandringham, the monarch's much-loved Norfolk residence, where the royal family tend to mark Christmas each year.
William and Catherine and the children will be there. The king and queen want their nearest and dearest with them to celebrate,” a source told Vanity Fair earlier this week.
Prince William shared some rare insight into the royal family’s Christmas plans while visiting with soldiers and their families in England on Tuesday. “We’ll be in Norfolk, at Sandringham ...
"Am I ready for Christmas? No, no way am I ready,” the Prince of Wales admitted Samir Hussein/WireImage Prince William is offering a rare glimpse into the royal family’s Christmas plans.
Playing Malvolio, the quintessential killjoy, at the RSC means following in some pretty illustrious footsteps, inevitably heightening the pressure of expectation on your approach to the scapegoat ...