Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Over the years, viewers have been introduced to some of the most feared and dangerous female anime antagonists who never ...
Beyond Journey’s End redefines Shonen anime with its deep and well-written female leads who set a gold standard.
This is peak boxing and anime entertainment. I've long maintained that when it comes to the best boxing movies, you can't go ...
For fans of Delicious in Dungeon, these anime combine fantasy, comedy, and action in recipes for equally enjoyable adventures ...
Anime villains have become extremely popular in the past few years and the female antagonists have also gained fame and recognition from fans.
Isabella of The Promised Neverland ... mothers in anime. Anime often depicts the difficulties of motherhood, but at its darkest ends of the spectrum, there are characters like Ragyo Kiryuin ...
However, there’s actually a really simple, cheap, and easy way to get into Disney’s hit card game. All you need to do is buy the Lorcana Gateway kit. That’s it.