Directed by and starring Kangana Ranaut as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the film chronicles the tumultuous 21-month period from 1975 to 1977 when Gandhi imposed Emergency rule in India. It is ...
Also directed by Ranaut, Emergency is based on ‘independent India’s darkest chapter’ and features the actress in the lead ...
Just imagine. What would have happened had Feroz Abbas Khan continued with his job in Saudi Arabia where he wanted to earn ...
Set in the 1980s in the Thar desert of Rajasthan, the film follows the life of Siddharth (played by Harsh) as he travels to the village of Munabao to find work. Later on, he crosses paths with ...
Bollywood actor Anupam Kher celebrated the legacy of the late actor Satish Kaushik by sharing his transformation for the role ...