"Cunk on Earth" became an internet sensation when it hit Netflix in 2023. The dry, deadpan wit of "acclaimed documentarian" Philomena Cunk (Diane Morgan) was instantly meme-able and, most importantly, ...
Robin Williams learned a lot across his many incredible roles, but this one gave him some serious lessons about being an a ...
From playing the fun aunt, Jackie Harris, in the '80s and '90s sitcom Roseanne to tough, hardworking mom Marion McPherson in ...
The idea of time-travel paradoxes has been explored in science and the popular imagination alike, but some researchers think ...
In a city where sourdough reigns supreme and “artisanal toast” is a thing, Wise Sons Jewish Deli stands out like a matzo ball ...
Physicists have verified a connection between two counterintuitive quantum properties, which may help us understand how quantum objects stay inextricably connected through entanglement ...
Philip Ball looks at how a little-known paper by Niels Bohr demonstrates the turmoil in physics on the brink of quantum ...
Researchers develop a catalyst boosting lithium-air batteries with 0.52V, 960-hour stability, and 95.8% efficiency, advancing ...