A study showed that elementary and middle school students aren't making sufficient progress to recover the learning losses ...
Applications are now being accepted for the Henrico County Public Schools' Early Learning Preschool program for the 2025-26 school year. Early Learning Preschool is offered at 22 of HCPS’s elementary ...
Reading and math scores on the nation’s report card show that students haven’t rebounded from the pandemic—and in some cases, achievement is still declining.
New results from a national exam find that America’s children have continued to lose ground on reading skills in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and have made little improvement in math ...
There's some good news in math, mostly bad news in reading and lots of questions about why students are still struggling.
The region’s performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress largely mirrored the rest of the country, with some dips in reading performance and sustained math performance.
Only 31% of California’s fourth-graders scored Proficient or Advanced, compared with 32% nationally, on the National ...
Every child in Minnesota needs an early childhood screening before they enter kindergarten, and Esko Schools are getting the ...
GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE @STARADVERTISER.COM Kalihi Uka Elementary School teacher Kristy Inamasu, center, was announced Tuesday as the winner of the Milken Educator Award and received a $25, 000 prize.
The percentage of eighth graders who have “below basic” reading skills according to NAEP was the largest it has been in the ...
Government schools in Punjab are driving positive learning and enrollment trends, with reading and arithmetic abilities ...