"The Zweiflers," playing at Jewish film festivals this January, follows a family in the deli business — and the patriarch's ...
Reawakening ghosts from a dark past, Germany once again claims to have the authority to define who is a Jew. Those who say ...
The decision comes after a decade of legal wrangling over a restitution claim that is likely to be the last of its kind.
In her groundbreaking biography 'Jamia's Aapa Jaan', historian Margrit Pernau reconstructs the remarkable life of Gerda Philipsborn, a German-Jewish w ...
Germany’s foreign policy, especially as represented by its current foreign minister, exposes an unsettling contradiction that ...
Today, 80 years after the Holocaust, I grapple with a profoundly complex and deeply personal subject: my evolving perspective ...
It has also surfaced lingering resentments, some of them clearly antisemitic, about Germany’s efforts to repay Jews for its crimes against them. The Wandlitz estate is likely one of the last ...
Reform Jews, this is truly a path to peace. Palestinians in Gaza will be given an incredible opportunity to build a ...
Manfred grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family in the town of Borken, in the Westphalia region of north-western Germany, close to the border with the Netherlands. His father Moritz, along with his ...
And across Western Europe, Christians report “discrimination and bullying” and in some instances “even loss of employment” ...