This title is part of a longer publication history. The full run of this journal will be searched. TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the ...
This special section of IMF Staff Papers provides a welcome opportunity to highlight an issue that has dwelled in relative obscurity until the past few years—the significance of central bank financial ...
97 (February), pp. 155-78. ———, 1988, "Multilateral Negotiations for Rescheduling Developing Country Debt: A Bargaining-Theoretic Framework," IMF Staff Papers Vol. 35 (December), pp. 644-57. Giovanni ...
Titled “When should public debt be reduced?” the recent IMF staff paper has ranked South Korea second only to Norway in its “fiscal space,” defined as the difference between the debt limit ...
IMF Communications Department Director Julie Kozack said that once the review is completed and approved by the IMF Executive Board, Sri Lanka would gain access to US $ 333 million.