The artifact emerged from the ruins of an ancient Roman building-turned-workshop in Sicily from the second or first century BCE.
Archaeologists have discovered multiple artifacts depicting ancient Greek deities in the ancient city of Finziade in Sicily.
This gorgeous island is four hours away and has everything from beaches and museums to crystal clear waters and ancient ruins ...
According to legend, long before the Romans founded Rome, there was a Greek city called Pallantium in the same area.
Once known as "the North Korea of Europe", Albania is turning to its millennia-old sites and rich cultural heritage to recast ...
During their excavation of the site in 2013, archaeologists reported witnessing several birds dropping dead after flying too ...
Cities have always inspired filmmakers by serving as the backdrop for stories that show how people live, work, and dream.
THE ancient Turkish city of Hierapolis hosts what is believed to be the oldest ‘Gate to Hell’ on Earth. It is a passage once ...
This POI with its hidden vault will be sorely missed in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 – let’s enjoy it while we can.
Inspired by ancient Greek temples, the exhibition incorporates the classic Doric and Ionic columns into its design. It is ...
It's known from historical accounts that the shrine was thought to be a "Gate to Hell" in ancient times, a powerful portal from which the flowed the toxic breath of Cerberus, a three-headed dog said ...
It is believed to be the oldest ‘Gate to Hell’ on Earth and 2000 years later, it lies in ruins - yet visitors should still be wary. It is a passage once used for animal sacrifices to the Greek god of ...