To find similar deals in your area, check out ENERGY STAR's database of local rebates for efficient appliances. This state ...
The new year is a great time to make sure your appliances are refreshed and running smoothly. Here's what you should look out ...
Have owned our KitchenAid washer and dryer for over 20 years and have had ... All of our other appliances have had to be replaced, some of them twice or more. I have a KitchenAid w&d that were ...
Machine runs with lots of noise. Sometimes you have to run spin and drain again. Haier is to washer/dryers, what Kia was to cars in the 90s and 2000s: attractive for their price, but utterly ...
New all-in-one washer/dryers promise convenience but deliver unexpected drawbacks in testing. Consumer Reports reveals critical performance issues and lengthy dry times that could impact your daily ...
This specialized rinse cycle lifts and traps pet hair, making a noticeable difference compared to standard washers. This feature has been incredibly effective on a wide range of fabrics ...
Another brand Vasilevski recommends for home appliances, such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and washers, is Miele. He's a fan of the 125-year-old company due to its unique testing ...