Jets blasting from supermassive black holes cause gas to cool and fall toward that cosmic titan in a cosmic feeding process.
These eruptions are observed in binary star systems and suggest a surprising link between the extreme environment surrounding ...
Now, astronomers discovered that one of those shenanigans was a colossal belch – a gamma-ray eruption from one of the powerful jets of plasma launched from the black hole's poles as it feeds.
NASA discovered black holes fueling their own growth by cooling gas, creating a cycle of jets, filaments, and feeding, ...
Scientists have published a spectacular new polarised light image of the strong magnetic fields spiraling from the edge of the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Seen in polarised light for ...
How much does a black hole change in a year? Scientists may now have an idea, after taking a fresh look at the first-ever black hole to be imaged — the supermassive black hole M87*, , which ...
In the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster, astronomers spotted the largest explosion in the universe consisting of energy equal to a ...
confirming repeated eruptions. The findings are crucial for understanding how stellar debris interacts with other objects near black holes. Continued Monitoring by NASA’s NICER Instrument NASA's ...
Five million years ago, cold gas was thrown into intergalactic space due to a massive eruption from the supermassive black hole in NGC 4945. This galaxy is in Centaurus, is 13 million light-years away ...
A video showing the radio galaxy, Centaurus A, which hosts the closest actively feeding black hole to Earth. The video shows the apparent size of the galaxy at optical, X-ray and submillimetre ...
This suggests a stable mass transfer process that can lead to alternating strong and weak eruptions, providing insights into the dynamics of stellar interactions near black holes. Another ...