Recently, Kapil Sharma welcomed Baby John's team, including Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, and Atlee, to his show. As the season's grand finale proceeded, Kapil subtly cracked a joke ...
Filmmaker Atlee is gearing up for the release of his latest production venture, 'Baby John', starring Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh, and Wamiqa Gabbi. The film is an official adaptation of Atlee ...
Director Atlee recently appeared on Netflix's The Great Indian Kapil Show to promote the upcoming movie Baby John. The rest of the cast of the movie were also present at the episode, including ...
Filmmaker Atlee, who is presenting the film was also in attendance. A video from the episode has surfaced on social media, which has led the internet to call out the host Kapil Sharma for his ...