The artifact emerged from the ruins of an ancient Roman building-turned-workshop in Sicily from the second or first century BCE.
The Colosseum, one of the most iconic landmarks in Rome, offers an exciting glimpse into ancient history. For families ...
Pompeii, the ancient Roman city frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, is one of the most significant ...
Khaldoun Al Raba, 32, has fond memories of his days guiding tourists around the ancient ruins of Palmyra, deep in the Syrian ...
With rooms for cold, hot, warm baths, and a plunge room, this discovery is one of the largest private bathhouses found at ...
Just why the Romans did this, though, remains a mystery. The experts that made the discovery found that the natural ...
The ruins of Ptolemais are in the modern-day city of Tolmeita, Libya. The country sits along the Mediterranean Sea in North ...
According to legend, long before the Romans founded Rome, there was a Greek city called Pallantium in the same area.