# The Government will “proceed” with implementing The Bahamas’ own 15 percent corporate income tax and is not worried “at this point” that the move will place this nation at a competitive disadvantage ...
US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from a global minimum tax agreement on his first day in office has unnerved EU officials, who expressed “regret” over the move.
# The newly-elected US president, amid a flurry of executive actions on his first day in office, issued an order declaring that the 15 percent global corporate minimum tax deal “has no force or effect ...
The global minimum tax aims to prevent a race to the bottom where countries outdo one another by lowering taxes for ...
How To Be exempted? Explore Indonesia's PMK No. 136/2024 on the global minimum tax (GloBE), its implications for MNEs, safe ...
New president signs raft of orders, withdrawing birthright citizenship, ending sanctions against West Bank settlers.
In an executive order Monday, President Trump asked federal agencies to explore potential retaliatory measures for any taxes ...
Trump drops the ax on a corporate-tax deal whacking U.S. firms.
US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from a global minimum tax agreement on his first day in office has unnerved EU officials, who expressed "regret" over the move.
Congress never approved a world agreement setting a 15 percent minimum corporate tax, and the new president's memo on it said it would have no bearing on American companies.
PRESIDENT Donald Trump on Monday declared that a global corporate minimum tax deal "has no force or effect" in the United ...