Indian Idol 15 featured Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Lalit Pandit who discussed the making of 'I Am The Best' from Shah Rukh Khan's 1999 film. Bhattacharya claimed his idea influenced the song's ...
Earlier, a controversy involving Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Neha Kakkar hit the headlines after the former took a dig at the singers who perform at weddings and marriage-like events. Now, Abhijeet has ...
The upcoming episode of Indian Idol 15, set to air tomorrow, will celebrate sibling love with a special Bhai-Behen theme.
Indian Idol 15’s New Year special episode was filled with a lot of special moments and guests. Popular Bollywood singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya had appeared on the show as one of the special guests.
Many popular celebrities appear on Indian Idol 15 to promote their films and show their support for the talented participants. In the latest episode, singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya was present, and ...
the much-loved singing reality show Indian Idol Season 15 on will ring in the New Year with a special celebration, featuring legendary figures from the music industry—Lalit Pandit, Abhijeet ...
Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya claimed he suggested Shah Rukh Khan record the final line of 'I Am The Best,' but composer Lalit Pandit stated it was actually Shah Rukh’s idea. Lalit recalled Shah Rukh’s ...