BBC Documentaries marking the centenary of World War One. BBC One Opening the World War One commemoration season on the BBC and produced in partnership with the Open University, landmark new ...
"The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time" So remarked the British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, as the European continent geared up for war in ...
World War Two has birthed some incredible documentary films, TV series and podcasts, but the top spot goes to a forgotten gem.
Stream it on Apple TV, Google Play, Youtube or Amazon Prime ahead of the power metal battalion’s European tour later this year ...
World War One was one of the great turning points of ... including Night Waves and the Sunday Feature – host a series of documentaries, debates and features about how the war revolutionised ...
Opening the World War One commemoration season on the BBC and produced in partnership with the Open University, landmark new documentary series Britain’s Great War, presented by Jeremy Paxman ...