Nine ships sunk by German torpedoes during World War I have been found off the coast of Morocco, experts announced Monday, marking the latest in a string of shipwrecks from the war to be found in ...
Divers recently discovered the wreck of a German submarine and the Royal Navy Q-ship that sank it in February 1917 Diver Chris de Putron inspects the wreck of the German submarine UC-18 ...
It is often said that history is more than just words on the written page. For various reasons, many parts of our past have become lost or confused over time and World War I was no different.
Olympic became a troop ship during WW1 and was repainted in dazzle. She shows some of the techniques used by dazzle designers. Bold shapes at the bow and stern break up the form of the vessel.
The most important new weapon was a machine that was initially called His Majesty's Land Ship. The tank was designed to withstand machine-gun fire and break through trench defences. Horace Leslie ...